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February 2009

'I vote I count' - Bengaluru Lok Sabha elections

[Quick link to the election issue survey, do fill it and have your say.]

The attack on Mumbai on 26/11 was meant to undermine India. Instead it has lead to a new political awakening. As the initial shock and anger against our politicians died down we realized that our disengagement from the political process was part of the problem. And the solution lay in getting engaged; else we only have ourselves to blame.  Politics is too important to be left solely to politicians!

Praja caps

One of the common questions from first time members who are coming to the praja meetings is "How do we identify you guys?". We were thinking of getting some praja caps made. These will have the praja logo embroidered in front. They should cost around Rs 100 or thereabouts. Let me know how many of you would be interested.

Bangalore CBD HoHo Shuttles - Route Map

At the meeting of the Bangalore Chamber Infrastructure Committee, we had the presence of Dr. Ashwin Mahesh and Mr. R.K. Misra of ABIDe. The Ho-Ho shuttle bus was discussed and also the Big10 services. I will request Pranav to add more to the contents of the meeting.

Traffic Violations - Will this work?

Bengaluru Traffic, what a mess!!! Somehow i am convinced, that one of the key element to make a difference is to ENFORCE traffic rules. That being said it looks like our police force is ill-equipped and poorly staffed to carry out the enforcement in all corners of Bengaluru. I was wondering if this will work?

Hi-Speed Rail - A ReThink

Hi Folks,

It does seem a hugely expensive exercise that would cater to perhaps, a few thousand each day. At first look, it does seem a questionable investment decision with dubious rationale - is this really so ?

A few points that may be pondered over ---

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