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February 2009

Business of Governance

With concepts like Autonomy, Sustainable growth, Forward Planning, HRD, etc becoming buzz-words in management circles, government babu’s couldn’t quite stomach the idea of being left out.

The hardships of changing a bus

Vasanth's Big10/ORR buses comment, and seeing a bus stop near silkboard junction move farther from the flyover prompts me to repeat a point made earlier.

BBMP - More magic boxes coming!?

View from the Palace cross roadWhat exactly would be "precast RCC box segments of size 6m x 4.5m x 1m". Magic box, isn't it? Saw some tenders from BBMP calling for work to prepare "vehicular underpass" using these precast RCC segments at Mysore Road Deviation Junction. See the BBMP Ad for yourself:

Chipko..Appiko and now Bachhiko!?

Development activities like building the metro always brings environmental issues along with them and tree cutting figures very prominently..Authorities take`refuge of quoting selective trimming of the trees and not necessarily bringing them down..

My list before the Lok Sabha candidates

While the "I vote, I count" exercise on PRAJA lists a whole lot of issues to be placed before candidates contesting the Lok Sabha elections, I thought, I'll prepare my own list, many issues in which may or may not figure in the list included in the survey running here.

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