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January 2009

'Need for innovation in urban road infrastructure planning'

In to days Times of India article Mr. Praveen Sood Additional Commissioner of Police (traffic) has articulated his concern about the pedestrians and the problems faced by the traffic police in enforcing the traffic rules. In democracy people get what they deserve.

Really, its something else - migration

[Forked off from a comment on this "road crossing" post. {blr_editor}]

Cross the damn road - Now Feb 7

7 Feb 2009 10:00
7 Feb 2009 11:00

Venue: Foot of K R Puram cable bridge where Old Madras Road and Outer ring Road merge

Date and Time: Saturday, 31st Jan, Feb 7, 10:00 AM (I wonder whats the busiest time here on a Saturday)

Metro construction and safety

Really concerned how many more irresponsible accidents are going to happen before this project is completed. I get the feeling this project is being run like a govt housing construction for the EWS.

Wikimapia Coordinates out of the city!

I am posting this in the Blog entry as I would like to bring to everybody's knowledge this anomaly. Although the topic may not warrant but the consequences are important,therefore I request the co-ordinator to keep this post in the Blog category.

I have attached two .pdf files.

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