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October 2008

Learn from past mistakes and move on

The recent convulsions in the international financial markets have provoked an unseemly amount of gloating on the part of many in the developing world. What worries me, though, is the number of people in India who are saying similar things. "See, we were right in opposing all this liberalisation," one told me.

Karnataka to do a Pune

The Karnataka government appears to be looking seriously at the DG set plan, experimented by Pune two years ago, involves getting companies with large captive generation sets to utilise those sets during peak hours instead of drawing power from the state grid.

First Urban Land Title in India

"I am delighted to share with everybody that Guaranteed Land Title is now a reality in Rajasthan. Rajasthan is leading the country in its "second wave" of land reforms - land title security.

Bangalore Traffic website in Ascii Characters and spelling mistake

I wanted to complain of traffic situation on Bannerughatta Road. The median intersection opposite to Spar is causing lot of traffic jams especially evening times when Accenture and Oracle office timings.So I visited our Bangalore Traffic website and I was shocked to see this.

Lessons from the American Melt Down

The Sunday October 5 2008 Hindu magazine carried an article by Shyam P When the bubble burst

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