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September 2008

Bangalore's new Skywalk locations

BBMP has come out with an EOI document for construction of 56 Skywalks with escalators in 14 packages, here it is (link to pdf)

Some of the locations that stand out in terms of utility and usefulness are,


Upcoming Events in Finance and Economics 2008 Events in finance and economics will be organized by various organizations around the globe. The major objective of these events is to foster discussions, debates and research on various economic and financial issues prevailing in the global economy. Most of these events are expected to have representations both from the industry and academics. The integration between academic theory and industrial implementation will be an important aspect of such events.

Meeting Notes - Mr Sood, Sep 20

Placeholder for notes from this meeting. Started almost 2 hours late as Mr Sood had to rush off to another meeting. We were asked to wait till 1 if possible. We spent this time chatting up with each other, and even managed a lunch at Shivajinagar bus stand canteen. Right when we planned to call it a day, Mr Sood returned. psaram, idontspam, Deepika, Srivathsa, silkboard, Ravi and Devesh (only for the intro) were present. Look fwd to meeting notes from all.

'Unique PPP Initiative for Mahadevapura' - Note from R K Misra

Some like him, some don't. Recently, I met with Mr R K Misra, one objective was to learn about an initiative for development for Mahadevapura area (Whitefield, Marathahalli, Sarjapura etc). At the end of it, I got a note from RK for posting here on his behalf. Well, here it is, unedited. Pardon me if you think this is marketing for an individual's organization or philosophy. I am not endorsing one thing over another. Any developmental news is worth sharing. Whether we like one group's philosophy, or hate an individual's approach, we should be in the know of these "outlets" for activism.

Pedestrian Walk

It seems like a Pedestrian Walk has been organized in Chennai:

Indian city plans pedestrian walk

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